So what, why so — 邏輯思考的技術

Kavi Lo
6 min readApr 5, 2024


我在假期開始閱讀的一本好書的心得分享 -

“so what , why so”


“so what” — 這個問題讓我們思考我們的行動和決定為什麼重要,特別是在專案/產品管理中。想像一下,一個行銷團隊正在審視他們的廣告表現。與其只是簡單地接受數字,問一下“so what”讓他們思考更深入。點擊廣告的人多是否真的意味著銷售額增加了?人們參與廣告的程度和我們賺到的錢之間是否真的有聯繫?理解“到底為什麼”幫助專案經理做出更明智的選擇,取得更好的結果。

“why so” — 這個問題讓我們看看我們做事情的原因。例如,一個團隊想要在他們的專案中使用一個新的工具。問一下“why so”讓他們更多地思考為什麼他們需要它。是因為舊工具工作效果不佳嗎?還是因為他們想要更快地完成工作?了解“why so”幫助專案經理確保他們的計劃與他們想要實現的目標相匹配,並幫助他們更好地利用資源。


讓我們努力提高我們的思考能力,並避免偏見,這樣我們就可以更好地理解事物並做出更好的選擇。#PMlife #growasaPM #專案產品管理 #邏輯思維能力 #資料分析 #提出問題

Thoughts on the Book I Started Reading During the Holiday -

🌟 “So What, and Why So?” 🌟

Have you ever stopped to think deeply about these two simple questions?

🔍 “So What?” — This question makes us think about why our actions and decisions matter, especially in project/product management. Imagine a marketing team looking at how well their ads are doing. Instead of just accepting the numbers, asking “So What?” makes them think harder. Do lots of people clicking on ads actually mean more sales? Is there a real link between how much people engage with the ads and how much money we make? Understanding the “So What” helps PMs make smarter choices and get better results.

💡 “Why So?” — This question makes us look at the reasons behind the things we do. Let’s say a team wants to use a new tool for their project. Asking “Why So?” makes them think more about why they need it. Is it because the old tool didn’t work well? Or is it because they want to do things faster? Knowing “Why So” helps PMs make sure their plans match up with what they want to achieve and helps them use their resources better.

Along with thinking critically, it’s important to know about things like the Anchoring Effect. This is when specific information makes a big impression on us and affects how we make decisions later. By thinking carefully and asking questions, we can spot when things don’t make sense. This is really important, especially in everyday conversations where people might say things that don’t quite add up.

Let’s work on our thinking skills and watch out for biases so we can understand things better and make better choices. ✨hashtag#PMlife hashtag#Criticalthinking hashtag#ProjectProductManagement hashtag#LogicalThinkingSkills hashtag#DataAnalysis hashtag#AskgoodQuestions hashtag#sowhatwhyso

我最近發現時間過得飛快,而我的 IG/FB 社交圈卻好像還缺少一些閃亮的星星!⭐️🚀 所以我想請你們一個小小的「加入斜槓生活探索家-Kavi」邀請!🔥🌍

如果你喜歡: #斜槓生活 #身心靈探索 #行動派日常 #全方位自我提升 #心靈療癒之旅 #書迷生活 #永遠的學習者社群 #媽媽的超能力







Kavi Lo
Kavi Lo

Written by Kavi Lo

斜槓生活家 Kavi 探索身心靈 x 擁抱挑戰 x 發揮超能力 ✨希塔療癒師 ✨NLP執行師 ✨金錢靈氣宗師 ✨生活教練 📌1對1個案療癒 📌金錢靈氣開課 📩 私訊預約 Follow : 💫✨ @slashlifeexplorer

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