最近由於工作的關係,我一直在思考Agile 中學習到的日本的「shuhari守破離」概念及其在各種環境或生活方面的應用。Shuhari 是指從堅持傳統到打破常規,最終達到超越狀態的過程。
在接受一種新的流程、心態或知識之前,重要的是要考慮 shu、ha 和 ri 的方向,而不是盲目地跟隨。這個過程從「shu」開始,包括嚴格遵守傳統的做法和技術。接下來是「ha」,它代表打破這些習慣,探索新的想法和方法。最後,「ri」是最終掌握的階段,工匠超越傳統和創新,創造出真正獨特和卓越的東西。
如今,我們中的許多人傾向於跳過「shu」階段,直接進入執行階段,這可能會產生不利影響。如果不了解已建立的流程和游戲規則,我們可能會忽略方法論的基本方面或錯過過程中的關鍵步驟。這可能導致不完整或不正確的實現,導致錯誤、效率低下,並可能危及整個專案或產品的成功。因此,花時間堅持 shu 階段並建立堅實的知識基礎,對於任何過程或方法的成功都是至關重要的。
Recently, I have been reflecting on the Japanese concept of “shuhari” and its application in various environments or aspects of life. Shuhari refers to the process of progressing from adherence to tradition to breaking from convention and finally achieving a state of transcendence.
Before adopting a new flow, mindset, or knowledge, it is crucial to consider the direction of shu, ha, and ri and not follow blindly. The process starts with “shu,” which involves strict adherence to traditional practices and techniques. Next comes “ha,” which represents breaking away from these conventions and exploring new ideas and methods. Finally, “ri” is the stage of ultimate mastery, where the artisan transcends both tradition and innovation to create something truly unique and exceptional.
Nowadays, many of us tend to skip the shu stage (obey) and jump directly into implementation, which can have adverse effects. Without understanding the established procedures and rules, we may overlook essential aspects of the methodology or miss critical steps in the process. This can result in incomplete or incorrect implementation, leading to errors, inefficiencies, and potentially compromising the success of the project. Therefore, taking the time to adhere to the shu stage and establish a solid foundation of knowledge is crucial for the success of any process or methodology.
I remind myself again to keep remembering the wisdom of the “shuhari” principle, which enables us to develop a deeper understanding of the process, avoid blindly following rules, and avoid stagnation. Instead, we can take calculated risks, experiment, and ultimately create our path towards success.
# #success #mindset #learning #improvement